Totally Me. Totally Free.

Harmonious Enterprises
2 min readApr 14, 2021

At Peace with Life and Self. In Harmony with The Present moment and The Frequency of Love. Open to serve and connect in the greatest way. In congruence and Harmonic resonance with my Being. Whole. Being I and open to expand and express greater Love and Creativity. A release, letting go, of what I know, with openness and receptivity to express and allow more.

To be free, totally free, and express All that I am. Totally me. Locked on Authenticity, Love, and Freedom as my default Frequency. Allowing All the Freedom to be as they are and as they choose to be. Embracing and appreciating Love and Beauty in all that I see. Fully shining Light and Love as my core expression and Frequency.

Light, Love Energy, Vibration, FREQUENCY. This is All that I am and can ever Be and have ever Been. Vibration. Love. Light. Energy
Multidimensional Expansive. Receptive. In Harmony. Willing, ready, open, and excited to serve All, including Humanity. And to those Beings of Light who are receptive to my frequency, I call for your aid in my transition into fuller and greater Love expression, freedom, joy, Beauty, Fun, and fulfilling service. A Divine Goddess to share the journey with. Abundant Love, expression, financial abundance, and service. Connection. Appreciation. Clarity. Purpose. Fun. Meaning, Health, Vitality. Authentic Self-Expression. Here Now. Love. Connection. FREEDOM. CREATION. Appreciation.

Written and edited by Jesus Rodrigo Velazquez Garcia

© 2021 Harmonious Writing

