Presence, Breath, and Clarity

Harmonious Enterprises
2 min readApr 22, 2021

Presence, Breath, and Clarity in designing and curating every aspect of our life. To be deliberate as well as flexible, open, and creative in the way we live and create our Life is a choice, a practice, and an Art. To create anything that is worthwhile requires our focus and the concentration of our skills, passions, resources, and energy.

It is the consistent application of our skills to a definite goal that brings results and can be a great source of growth and fulfillment. And through this, I’m applying the tools and techniques of years of learning and writing as clarifying exercises.

The Overall feeling of having my life flowing, vibrant, healthy, and energized. I want to feel that I’m living on purpose and making a wonderful contribution to the world, my community, family, friends, and peers. I want to feel abundant, loved, generous, connected, inspired, loving, skilled, accomplished, and free.

I have money to play with, my life is clean, simple, and organized. I love the projects I’m working on, my skills and partnership in projects and business are sought after. I’m clear about my Path and Business career. I know my tribe and how I help them. I feel happy and fulfilled by my work, my community, my connections, friendships, and relationships. I feel grateful daily and humbled by how wonderful and amazing my life truly is. I have the best tools to practice and share my skills. I am at peace and have harmonious relationships within myself and everything around me.

